
  • 5 Ways Tax Relief May Be A Better Option Than Bankruptcy

    The amount of stress you face when you owe a significant amount of money to the IRS can feel insurmountable. Penalties and interest keep adding on to the debt, and it can feel like there’s often no way out. Oftentimes, people will consider bankruptcy as their only option to get back on their feet, but…

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  • If You Have Unfiled Tax Returns

    Filing tax returns is a legal obligation for anyone and everyone earning an income above a certain amount in the United States. But life can sometimes throw you curveballs, and filing taxes ends up being on the bottom of your to do list. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Unfortunately, the IRS does not…

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  • Tax Relief Options for Individuals Facing Economic Hardship

    In times of economic hardship, navigating tax obligations can make financial stress so much worse. Sometimes it may be due to being out of work, unexpected medical expenses, or other financial setbacks, and individuals may find it challenging to meet their tax liabilities. The good news is that tax relief options exist to alleviate the…

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  • How to Know if you Qualify for Tax Relief

    Looming tax debt can be overwhelming and intimidating. Not only does it continue to grow over time the longer it goes unpaid, it can feel like a constant uphill battle. At times, you may wonder what options you have to finally tackle the growing debt, but figuring out if you qualify for tax relief can…

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  • Avoiding Tax Scams: Tips for Protecting Yourself from Fraudulent Tax Relief Services

    In today’s digital age, where information is readily available at our fingertips, it’s important that we remain vigilant and wary against fraudulent schemes and scams, especially when seeking tax relief services. While there are legitimate tax relief professionals who can assist individuals with resolving their tax issues, there are also plenty of unscrupulous individuals and…

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  • 7 Tax Relief Strategies for Freelancers

    As the gig economy continues to thrive, more individuals are embracing freelance work as their primary source of income. While freelancing offers plenty of flexibility and independence, it also comes with unique tax responsibilities and challenges. Freelancers are considered self-employed, which means they must navigate their tax obligations differently than traditional employees. Those that are…

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  • Lien vs. Levy: Deciphering Tax Terminology

    Taxes can be complex and overwhelming. When back tax debt comes into the picture, things can get a bit more complicated and stressful. If you fail to pay your back taxes, two terms often surface: “lien” and “levy.” These terms have specific meanings and consequences in the realm of taxation, and understanding the differences is…

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  • 7 Reasons Taxpayers Get An IRS Audit

    Facing an IRS audit is a daunting experience. The idea of having your financial records scrutinized by the most feared collection agency, the IRS, can shake anyone to their core. The cost in both time and money can seem never-ending. Understanding the top reasons taxpayers get audited by the IRS can help you avoid common…

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  • Tax Relief 101: Exploring Different Forms of Tax Relief and Who Qualifies

    Taxation, while a civic duty that keeps our country running, can sometimes become a hefty burden for individuals and businesses, especially during challenging economic times. Fortunately, the tax code provides several forms of tax relief to help people who might find themselves unable to pay the IRS. Understanding the different forms of tax relief and…

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  • Understanding Tax Penalties: How They Accumulate and Ways to Minimize Them

    When filing your taxes, one misstep and you might find yourself facing tax penalties and interest that can quickly accumulate, adding strain to your financial situation. This article aims to demystify tax penalties, how they accumulate, and ways to minimize or avoid them. One thing to note is that the IRS charges interest (currently at…

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